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How to Work with Your Brain, Not Against It


We all have some cognitive deficiencies, some weakness in our brain, but it doesn't have to get in the way of living your best life.

Especially if you work with your brain, not against it.

Real Life Challenge

Imagine you in a super important Zoom meeting and you’ve got to remember all lots of information.

Cognitive Functions

Thinking is not one big thing.
Thinking is made up of 28 cognitive functions and when one of them are weak it effects all areas of our life.

We all have some stronger and weaker cognitive functions.

In order to make sure we don’t let the weaker cognitive functions get in our way of living our best lives, we want to make sure we are working WITH our brain not against it.

This way you’ll get more done AND feel better about yourself.

How to Work with Your Brain

The first step to working with your brain is awareness.
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
A great way to find this out is to take the Cognitive Functions Assessment which you can take right here

Once you have the awareness, you’ll want to look for 2 things:

1. Short-term strategies - strategies to help you get out the current solution you are in right now.
For example, in our real-life challenge, we spoke about having to remember a lot of information during a meeting.
What are you going to do? Most people will answer to take notes. But if taking notes is a challenge for you, what can you do instead?
Do something that is easy for you - draw notes, make flashcards, dance while you are listening, so it goes into your memory.
Do what is easy for your brain.

2. Long-term strategies - strategies that will help you in the long run.
These are strategies that you’ve got to do multiple times and take a while to implement but eventually it will rewire your brain to think more efficiently.
Going back to the meeting, this time you might have been able to dance to the meeting because your video was off, but you might want to learn to take notes so in the future in case you do have to turn on your video. Or you can train your brain to identify and memorized key points.

Just Remember

Here are a few things to remember as you apply short- and long-term strategies:

1. The better you understand your brain the easier it will be for you. Know your weaknesses and your strengths.

2. Be kind to yourself, especially when doing long term strategies. In the beginning it can be frustrating as you are challenging your brain. It’s okay will get easier.

3. Take breaks. Part of working with your brain is giving yourself the breaks as needed so you don’t burn out and can work more efficiently.

Your Challenge

Your challenge this week is to find something you struggle with and come up with a short-term strategy and long-term strategy to work WITH your brain, not against.

Your brain is your coolest, most complex organ.
Let’s be friends with it and have it working together with us=)

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

Can you help us reach our goal? 
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Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

How to Work with Your Brain, Not Against It


We all have some cognitive deficiencies, some weakness in our brain, but it doesn't have to get in the way of living your best life.

Especially if you work with your brain, not against it.

Real Life Challenge

Imagine you in a super important Zoom meeting and you’ve got to remember all lots of information.

Cognitive Functions

Thinking is not one big thing.
Thinking is made up of 28 cognitive functions and when one of them are weak it effects all areas of our life.

We all have some stronger and weaker cognitive functions.

In order to make sure we don’t let the weaker cognitive functions get in our way of living our best lives, we want to make sure we are working WITH our brain not against it.

This way you’ll get more done AND feel better about yourself.

How to Work with Your Brain

The first step to working with your brain is awareness.
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
A great way to find this out is to take the Cognitive Functions Assessment which you can take right here

Once you have the awareness, you’ll want to look for 2 things:

1. Short-term strategies - strategies to help you get out the current solution you are in right now.
For example, in our real-life challenge, we spoke about having to remember a lot of information during a meeting.
What are you going to do? Most people will answer to take notes. But if taking notes is a challenge for you, what can you do instead?
Do something that is easy for you - draw notes, make flashcards, dance while you are listening, so it goes into your memory.
Do what is easy for your brain.

2. Long-term strategies - strategies that will help you in the long run.
These are strategies that you’ve got to do multiple times and take a while to implement but eventually it will rewire your brain to think more efficiently.
Going back to the meeting, this time you might have been able to dance to the meeting because your video was off, but you might want to learn to take notes so in the future in case you do have to turn on your video. Or you can train your brain to identify and memorized key points.

Just Remember

Here are a few things to remember as you apply short- and long-term strategies:

1. The better you understand your brain the easier it will be for you. Know your weaknesses and your strengths.

2. Be kind to yourself, especially when doing long term strategies. In the beginning it can be frustrating as you are challenging your brain. It’s okay will get easier.

3. Take breaks. Part of working with your brain is giving yourself the breaks as needed so you don’t burn out and can work more efficiently.

Your Challenge

Your challenge this week is to find something you struggle with and come up with a short-term strategy and long-term strategy to work WITH your brain, not against.

Your brain is your coolest, most complex organ.
Let’s be friends with it and have it working together with us=)

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

Can you help us reach our goal? 
Share this podcast with someone you love!

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