Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

Reducing Stress & Overwhelm


Are you currently dealing with stress or overwhelm?

What if I told you there’s a way you can reduce it, without it taking more time out of your busy day?

Real Life Challenge

Imagine you preparing for your office holiday party. Besides for regular work, there’s this additional stress and it’s not doing anyone any good.

You might be struggling with this if you have any weak cognitive function, and you lack strategies to help you deal with them.

Cognitive Functions

Thinking is not one big thing.
Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
They are thinking skills. 

They're kinda like the center of the web of your daily activities.
Cognitive functions, you're thinking skills, sit in the center of the web and effects all the lines coming out of it, all the activities you do.

LifePix University Diagrams  png

If your center, your cognitive functions, are weak, the activities coming out of the center will be hard for you. 
This will cause a lot of stress and overwhelm

Reducing Stress and Overwhelm

If we all have weak cognitive functions, then how do we reduce stress and overwhelm? 
By collecting strategies and tips that have helped you in that past and using them again in the future.

When you do something challenging - or even easy, take a moment to ask yourself, "What did I do to help me figure it out?"
Your answer should be a strategy. 

For example, if you were just looking for an important paper and found it, ask yourself, “What did I do to help me find it?”
Don’t answer by saying I started by going through all my draws in my desk on the left side, started in the top draw and went through each paper. Rather say, I did a systematic search.

Another  example, if you are lying in bed after an accomplished day were you got a lot done, and you’re answering the question to how you were able to do it, don’t say, “ Last night I went through all my tasks, prioritized the needed to get done, delegated other parts of it and blocked out my calendar from the minute I woke up till I went to sleep.” Instead say the strategy. “I planned.”

By saying the strategy, by giving what you did a name, your brain will remember it much better.
This way, next time you're in a stressful situation, you can mentally go through the strategies you’ve used over and over again in the past and pull out the one you need now.

You’re planning a holiday party on top of all regular work; make a plan.

Your Strategies

You'll want to keep a running list of strategies that you can look back at any time.
Do it now.
Open your notes app on your phone and create the list. 

Just one more thing -

If you don’t know the name to the strategy you did, just make one up. It doesn’t matter what the actual name is, as long as your brain understands it.

Your Challenge

Start collecting your strategies.
Whenever you done doing something challenging, ask yourself how you were able to figure it out.
And give the process a name.

Start creating your toolbox now:)

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

Can you help us reach our goal? 
Share this podcast with someone you love!

Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

Reducing Stress & Overwhelm


Are you currently dealing with stress or overwhelm?

What if I told you there’s a way you can reduce it, without it taking more time out of your busy day?

Real Life Challenge

Imagine you preparing for your office holiday party. Besides for regular work, there’s this additional stress and it’s not doing anyone any good.

You might be struggling with this if you have any weak cognitive function, and you lack strategies to help you deal with them.

Cognitive Functions

Thinking is not one big thing.
Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
They are thinking skills. 

They're kinda like the center of the web of your daily activities.
Cognitive functions, you're thinking skills, sit in the center of the web and effects all the lines coming out of it, all the activities you do.

LifePix University Diagrams  png

If your center, your cognitive functions, are weak, the activities coming out of the center will be hard for you. 
This will cause a lot of stress and overwhelm

Reducing Stress and Overwhelm

If we all have weak cognitive functions, then how do we reduce stress and overwhelm? 
By collecting strategies and tips that have helped you in that past and using them again in the future.

When you do something challenging - or even easy, take a moment to ask yourself, "What did I do to help me figure it out?"
Your answer should be a strategy. 

For example, if you were just looking for an important paper and found it, ask yourself, “What did I do to help me find it?”
Don’t answer by saying I started by going through all my draws in my desk on the left side, started in the top draw and went through each paper. Rather say, I did a systematic search.

Another  example, if you are lying in bed after an accomplished day were you got a lot done, and you’re answering the question to how you were able to do it, don’t say, “ Last night I went through all my tasks, prioritized the needed to get done, delegated other parts of it and blocked out my calendar from the minute I woke up till I went to sleep.” Instead say the strategy. “I planned.”

By saying the strategy, by giving what you did a name, your brain will remember it much better.
This way, next time you're in a stressful situation, you can mentally go through the strategies you’ve used over and over again in the past and pull out the one you need now.

You’re planning a holiday party on top of all regular work; make a plan.

Your Strategies

You'll want to keep a running list of strategies that you can look back at any time.
Do it now.
Open your notes app on your phone and create the list. 

Just one more thing -

If you don’t know the name to the strategy you did, just make one up. It doesn’t matter what the actual name is, as long as your brain understands it.

Your Challenge

Start collecting your strategies.
Whenever you done doing something challenging, ask yourself how you were able to figure it out.
And give the process a name.

Start creating your toolbox now:)

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

Can you help us reach our goal? 
Share this podcast with someone you love!

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