Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

3 Levels of Benefit We Get When We When We Solve the Core Issue


Improving cognitive functions aren’t easy. It takes a while.
Why should you take the time to improve them?

Today we’re discussing why it helps you to solve a core issue and the 3 levels of benefit you get from it.

Real Life Challenge 

Imagine you see a tiny hole in your kitchen ceiling with water dripping out.
You really want to get rid of the hole and water so you can cook & eat in peace.

In order to get rid of the hole & water, you’ve got to understand where the water is coming from.
What is the source of this problem?

Solving the Core Issue

You don’t need me to tell you, if you have a leak, just plastering the hole will not help you.
The water will create another hole and be back in your kitchen before you can blink.

You’ve got to first solve the core issue, the leak, and then you can fix the hole.
Although we’re smart enough to solve the core issue with a leak, many, many times we try to solve our own problems by just putting on the plaster.

Child misbehaving?
Give him a punishment or bribe him to behave.
But we forget about the core issue - there’s a reason WHY the child is miss behaving.
Maybe something happened at school,
Maybe he’s not feeling well.
There can be so many reasons why a child is misbehaving - giving a punishment or bribe is not solving the problem.

Facebook ads are not bringing in enough clients?
Put more money into the ads.
But we forget to see WHY they are not bring in clients?
Do we need to change the copy? The offer? The target market? What’s the real reason?
Maybe the reason is because your target market is on LinkedIn and that would work better.

Core Issues & Cognitive Functions 

Many times core issues are related to cognitive functions:

You’re always missing your deadlines?
You may put later deadlines, have an accountable partner, or give yourself a prize when hitting a deadline.
Although these may help, they like putting on plaster on a wall when you still have a leak.
You’ve got first understand WHY you always missing your deadlines? And it’s probably because of a cognitive function.

You constantly get into arguments with your husband? That too may be because of a cognitive function. It could be labeling, being precise, considering another point of view or giving a thoughtful response.

3 Levels of Benefit

3 Levels of benefit we get when we when we solve the core issue:

1. Once we solve the core issue, the thing we are suffering from goes away.
The leak gets closed, so the water stops dripping in the house.
You improve your cognitive function of space; you no longer keep on getting lost when using Google maps.

2. Many times, other symptoms/side effects go away also.
For example, you struggle with getting overwhelmed when there’s too much to do, so you improve your cognitive function of clear perception, not only do you get what you want, no more struggle with too much to do, you also have a much easier time getting more out of speeches and videos in one go, as that is also related to taking in a lot of information.

3. Many times, ALL areas of your life improve.
This happens because many, many of our actions are related to that cognitive function. A lot more than we think.
And because all the cognitive functions are related to do each other, many times if we improve one of them, the way we do the other cognitive function, becomes even better.

Ripple Effects

I like to imagine as a circle.
In the center we have the reason why we personally want to improve this cognitive function.
Around that center there is a bigger circle filled with the symptoms and around that symptom, there’s a circle of our daily life.
We throw a pebble directly into the inner circle and many times the ripple effects lead all the way to the end.

Just gonna remind you, that just like when you throw a pebble into a lake not always are the ripple effects so big, not always when you improve a cognitive function does everything improve.
Sometimes you need another pebble, you need to improve another cognitive function.

Your Challenge

Your challenge this week is too take any action step that will help you improve the cognitive function you are working on and see what level of effect it has on you.

If you have a copy of Your Essential Guide to Cognitive Functions you can use any of those action steps or you can go back to any episode and use the challenge step there.

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

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Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

3 Levels of Benefit We Get When We When We Solve the Core Issue


Improving cognitive functions aren’t easy. It takes a while.
Why should you take the time to improve them?

Today we’re discussing why it helps you to solve a core issue and the 3 levels of benefit you get from it.

Real Life Challenge 

Imagine you see a tiny hole in your kitchen ceiling with water dripping out.
You really want to get rid of the hole and water so you can cook & eat in peace.

In order to get rid of the hole & water, you’ve got to understand where the water is coming from.
What is the source of this problem?

Solving the Core Issue

You don’t need me to tell you, if you have a leak, just plastering the hole will not help you.
The water will create another hole and be back in your kitchen before you can blink.

You’ve got to first solve the core issue, the leak, and then you can fix the hole.
Although we’re smart enough to solve the core issue with a leak, many, many times we try to solve our own problems by just putting on the plaster.

Child misbehaving?
Give him a punishment or bribe him to behave.
But we forget about the core issue - there’s a reason WHY the child is miss behaving.
Maybe something happened at school,
Maybe he’s not feeling well.
There can be so many reasons why a child is misbehaving - giving a punishment or bribe is not solving the problem.

Facebook ads are not bringing in enough clients?
Put more money into the ads.
But we forget to see WHY they are not bring in clients?
Do we need to change the copy? The offer? The target market? What’s the real reason?
Maybe the reason is because your target market is on LinkedIn and that would work better.

Core Issues & Cognitive Functions 

Many times core issues are related to cognitive functions:

You’re always missing your deadlines?
You may put later deadlines, have an accountable partner, or give yourself a prize when hitting a deadline.
Although these may help, they like putting on plaster on a wall when you still have a leak.
You’ve got first understand WHY you always missing your deadlines? And it’s probably because of a cognitive function.

You constantly get into arguments with your husband? That too may be because of a cognitive function. It could be labeling, being precise, considering another point of view or giving a thoughtful response.

3 Levels of Benefit

3 Levels of benefit we get when we when we solve the core issue:

1. Once we solve the core issue, the thing we are suffering from goes away.
The leak gets closed, so the water stops dripping in the house.
You improve your cognitive function of space; you no longer keep on getting lost when using Google maps.

2. Many times, other symptoms/side effects go away also.
For example, you struggle with getting overwhelmed when there’s too much to do, so you improve your cognitive function of clear perception, not only do you get what you want, no more struggle with too much to do, you also have a much easier time getting more out of speeches and videos in one go, as that is also related to taking in a lot of information.

3. Many times, ALL areas of your life improve.
This happens because many, many of our actions are related to that cognitive function. A lot more than we think.
And because all the cognitive functions are related to do each other, many times if we improve one of them, the way we do the other cognitive function, becomes even better.

Ripple Effects

I like to imagine as a circle.
In the center we have the reason why we personally want to improve this cognitive function.
Around that center there is a bigger circle filled with the symptoms and around that symptom, there’s a circle of our daily life.
We throw a pebble directly into the inner circle and many times the ripple effects lead all the way to the end.

Just gonna remind you, that just like when you throw a pebble into a lake not always are the ripple effects so big, not always when you improve a cognitive function does everything improve.
Sometimes you need another pebble, you need to improve another cognitive function.

Your Challenge

Your challenge this week is too take any action step that will help you improve the cognitive function you are working on and see what level of effect it has on you.

If you have a copy of Your Essential Guide to Cognitive Functions you can use any of those action steps or you can go back to any episode and use the challenge step there.

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

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