Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

How to Get Things Done with ADHD


If you’ve got ADHD and are struggling to get things done, I'd like you to know, there is hope. For real.

The reason why I’m saying this, is because of seeing client after client have success in being able to get things done effortlessly. 

Today I’ll be share with you 5 ways to get things done.

The Reason Getting Things Done is a Challenge

The reason you are struggling to get things done is because you've got weak thinking skills.

You see,
Thinking is not one big thing.
Thinking is made up of 28 thinking skills called Cognitive Functions.
Naturally we all have stronger ones and weaker ones.

Those weaker thinking skills are making it challenging for you to do what you want to do. 

Improving Your Thinking Skills so You No Longer Procrastinate

We’ve spoken about many of these cognitive functions in the previous episodes - just last week, in episode 427 we spoke about dealing with an overload of information that is making you want to turn away instead of actually doing the work.

By improving your cognitive functions, you are solving the core issue.
You are solving the issue as to WHY you are struggling to do this task.

Getting Things Done Now

Here’s the thing, improving a cognitive function takes time.
Sometimes you need to get a task done NOW. You can’t wait a few weeks until that thinking skill is strong.

That’s why we need short-term strategies.
These are strategies that help us RIGHT now.

The problem with short-term strategies is we always need to do them, and we still have the core issue.
It’s a band-aid, not surgery. We need the band-aid until we get the surgery but it’s in no way a replacement of the surgery.

5 Stort Term Strategies to Get Things Done Now

Here 5 short-term strategies to get tasks done with ADHD.
Remember, these are band-aids, not solving the real problem. For that, you’ll want to take the cognitive functions assessment 

  • Body Doubling is when there’s another person in the room doing work, it makes it easier for you to do the work. If you’ve got a friend who also works from home, you can have her come over and simply do the work in your house while you do your work. This also works virtually. Have your sister on the phone while you both clean your house. You can do this also over Zoom or use the Free tool called Focusmate - which pairs you up with someone to body double with.
  • Turn it into a competition. If you’ve got ADHD, you’re probably very competitive. Find a way to turn that task into a competition either against yourself or someone else. Can you do it 5 minutes faster? Can you do it with only one hand etc.
  • ​Your environment has a massive effect on your mood and how you’ll act. Change your environment based on the task you need to do. Need calmness? Dim the lights and light a candle. Need energy? Turn on loud music. You can also go to another location. Try the beach, forest, cafe, library etc. Some people take this one step further by having specific locations for specific tasks. For instance, working in the library is only for when you're working on your book. 
  • Break the task into smaller tasks and complete each one all the way. This way instead of getting overwhelmed by the whole task you only have to do part and every part you finish gives you a sense of accomplishment while allowing you to start fresh next time. A simple example of this is taking a whole book and breaking it into chapters. Every time you read, you read one whole chapter. You can break your work tasks into smaller tasks, cooking into smaller tasks, etc.
  • ​When I have a bunch of tasks but don’t want to do any of them, this is what I like to do even though it’s  not the “most productive way” it gets the work done. I make a list of a few tasks (not more than 6) and then turn on a timer for 12 minutes. Focus on the task for just 12 minutes and when it rings, set it again and do the next task on the list. When you come to the end of the list, go back to task one.  

The reason this works well is twofold.
A) Your brain knows it only has to do it for 12 minutes.
B) Each time you have the novelty of a new task. Plus sometimes you’ll find yourself racing to finish it before the timer rings.

NOTE: You can adjust the timer to something that works for you, though I’ve noticed if you go higher than 25 minutes, it often loses the benefits.

Your Challenge

Your challenge this week is to choose one tip to help you complete a task.
Let me know how it goes!

Cheers to Peak Brain Performance!

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

Can you help us reach our goal? 
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Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

How to Get Things Done with ADHD


If you’ve got ADHD and are struggling to get things done, I'd like you to know, there is hope. For real.

The reason why I’m saying this, is because of seeing client after client have success in being able to get things done effortlessly. 

Today I’ll be share with you 5 ways to get things done.

The Reason Getting Things Done is a Challenge

The reason you are struggling to get things done is because you've got weak thinking skills.

You see,
Thinking is not one big thing.
Thinking is made up of 28 thinking skills called Cognitive Functions.
Naturally we all have stronger ones and weaker ones.

Those weaker thinking skills are making it challenging for you to do what you want to do. 

Improving Your Thinking Skills so You No Longer Procrastinate

We’ve spoken about many of these cognitive functions in the previous episodes - just last week, in episode 427 we spoke about dealing with an overload of information that is making you want to turn away instead of actually doing the work.

By improving your cognitive functions, you are solving the core issue.
You are solving the issue as to WHY you are struggling to do this task.

Getting Things Done Now

Here’s the thing, improving a cognitive function takes time.
Sometimes you need to get a task done NOW. You can’t wait a few weeks until that thinking skill is strong.

That’s why we need short-term strategies.
These are strategies that help us RIGHT now.

The problem with short-term strategies is we always need to do them, and we still have the core issue.
It’s a band-aid, not surgery. We need the band-aid until we get the surgery but it’s in no way a replacement of the surgery.

5 Stort Term Strategies to Get Things Done Now

Here 5 short-term strategies to get tasks done with ADHD.
Remember, these are band-aids, not solving the real problem. For that, you’ll want to take the cognitive functions assessment 

  • Body Doubling is when there’s another person in the room doing work, it makes it easier for you to do the work. If you’ve got a friend who also works from home, you can have her come over and simply do the work in your house while you do your work. This also works virtually. Have your sister on the phone while you both clean your house. You can do this also over Zoom or use the Free tool called Focusmate - which pairs you up with someone to body double with.
  • Turn it into a competition. If you’ve got ADHD, you’re probably very competitive. Find a way to turn that task into a competition either against yourself or someone else. Can you do it 5 minutes faster? Can you do it with only one hand etc.
  • ​Your environment has a massive effect on your mood and how you’ll act. Change your environment based on the task you need to do. Need calmness? Dim the lights and light a candle. Need energy? Turn on loud music. You can also go to another location. Try the beach, forest, cafe, library etc. Some people take this one step further by having specific locations for specific tasks. For instance, working in the library is only for when you're working on your book. 
  • Break the task into smaller tasks and complete each one all the way. This way instead of getting overwhelmed by the whole task you only have to do part and every part you finish gives you a sense of accomplishment while allowing you to start fresh next time. A simple example of this is taking a whole book and breaking it into chapters. Every time you read, you read one whole chapter. You can break your work tasks into smaller tasks, cooking into smaller tasks, etc.
  • ​When I have a bunch of tasks but don’t want to do any of them, this is what I like to do even though it’s  not the “most productive way” it gets the work done. I make a list of a few tasks (not more than 6) and then turn on a timer for 12 minutes. Focus on the task for just 12 minutes and when it rings, set it again and do the next task on the list. When you come to the end of the list, go back to task one.  

The reason this works well is twofold.
A) Your brain knows it only has to do it for 12 minutes.
B) Each time you have the novelty of a new task. Plus sometimes you’ll find yourself racing to finish it before the timer rings.

NOTE: You can adjust the timer to something that works for you, though I’ve noticed if you go higher than 25 minutes, it often loses the benefits.

Your Challenge

Your challenge this week is to choose one tip to help you complete a task.
Let me know how it goes!

Cheers to Peak Brain Performance!

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

Can you help us reach our goal? 
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Brain coach for ADHD business owners

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