Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

What is Causing YOU to get Distracted?

Case Study

Chris found himself constantly getting distracted no matter how many distractions he removed or systems he put into place.
Even during sessions he’d find himself getting pulled by his phone or something out the window.

We wanted to get down to the bottom of it and really understand what causing this to happen, because another hack was obviously not solution.

Chris needed the self-awareness and so with a simple (and fun!) exercise he got to really understand what was causing him to get pulled in so many directions.

Thinking Skills

While you are doing any task, you (without even realizing it!) are using your 28 thinking skills.

When the thinking skills you need to use are strong, doing the task is easy.
If the thinking skill you need to use is weak, doing the task will be a challenge.

The struggle that Chris had, came from a weak thinking skill of Understanding Reality. 

Understanding Reality 

Lask week, in episode 452, we went deep into understanding reality and how it’s cause effect.

Part of understanding reality is the self awareness of what causes what.
Here, we wouldn’t be doing a repeat of understanding reality.
Instead, I’ll share with the exercise that helped Chris in this specific situation.

How to Figure Out What is Causing You to Get Distracted

For 3 days, Chris carried an index card with him ever he went.

On side of the index card, it said “focused” and the other it says “distracted”

Every time he would find himself getting distracted, he’d make a tally mark on the distracted side.
While every time he’d find himself being able to focus, he’d make a tally mark on the focused side.

This system helped with 3 things:

  • During the process of making the marks, Chris became aware of what points of the day or in which incidents he was getting distaraced and helped him become more self aware
  • By the end of the 3 days, Chris was had a prize waiting for him if he had more focusing tally marks. This incentivized him to say focused for more time. While this is just a short term strategy it helped with number 3
  • ​​​Up until this point, Chris’s brain has been wired to let the distractions take over. By conscious about and turning it into a game, Chris allowed his brain to start making new neuron connections in his brain to help him stay focused.  It’s like the first time you walk in a forest and there’s no path, it’s a challenge to get through because of all the dirt, roots, rocks. Every time you walk down that path you clear the path even more making it easier to go down. Same in your brain. In the beginning when you train your brain to do something new, it’s a challenge. There are alot of dirt, roots and rocks in your way. Over time the path becomes clear and you’re brain doesn’t even have to think about walking down that path.

A Second Way to Figure Out What Is Causing You To Get Distracted

There was another client in that same Optimize Your Brain cohort who also wanted to figure out when he procrastinates, yet I gave him a different exercise to do.

For him, he had 3 days to write down every time he gets distracted & what was going on around him.
Then by the end of the 3 days he had a long list in which he can look for a pattern.
Fun fact: He noticed, he got most distracted when he was transitioning between tasks.

Two different people in the same cohort got slightly different exercises based on what THEY needed because in Optimize Your Brain everything is customized exactly to what you need.
You do the exercise that is best for YOU.

Your Challenge

Your challenge this week is to figure out what causes you to get distracted.

For the next 3 days either mark down when you get distracted/stay focused OR write down what is happening at that time you are getting distracted.
Pick the exercise that works best for you.

Cheers to Peak Brain Performance!​

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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By the end of 2025

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Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

What is Causing YOU to get Distracted?

Case Study

Chris found himself constantly getting distracted no matter how many distractions he removed or systems he put into place.
Even during sessions he’d find himself getting pulled by his phone or something out the window.

We wanted to get down to the bottom of it and really understand what causing this to happen, because another hack was obviously not solution.

Chris needed the self-awareness and so with a simple (and fun!) exercise he got to really understand what was causing him to get pulled in so many directions.

Thinking Skills

While you are doing any task, you (without even realizing it!) are using your 28 thinking skills.

When the thinking skills you need to use are strong, doing the task is easy.
If the thinking skill you need to use is weak, doing the task will be a challenge.

The struggle that Chris had, came from a weak thinking skill of Understanding Reality. 

Understanding Reality 

Lask week, in episode 452, we went deep into understanding reality and how it’s cause effect.

Part of understanding reality is the self awareness of what causes what.
Here, we wouldn’t be doing a repeat of understanding reality.
Instead, I’ll share with the exercise that helped Chris in this specific situation.

How to Figure Out What is Causing You to Get Distracted

For 3 days, Chris carried an index card with him ever he went.

On side of the index card, it said “focused” and the other it says “distracted”

Every time he would find himself getting distracted, he’d make a tally mark on the distracted side.
While every time he’d find himself being able to focus, he’d make a tally mark on the focused side.

This system helped with 3 things:

  • During the process of making the marks, Chris became aware of what points of the day or in which incidents he was getting distaraced and helped him become more self aware
  • By the end of the 3 days, Chris was had a prize waiting for him if he had more focusing tally marks. This incentivized him to say focused for more time. While this is just a short term strategy it helped with number 3
  • ​​​Up until this point, Chris’s brain has been wired to let the distractions take over. By conscious about and turning it into a game, Chris allowed his brain to start making new neuron connections in his brain to help him stay focused.  It’s like the first time you walk in a forest and there’s no path, it’s a challenge to get through because of all the dirt, roots, rocks. Every time you walk down that path you clear the path even more making it easier to go down. Same in your brain. In the beginning when you train your brain to do something new, it’s a challenge. There are alot of dirt, roots and rocks in your way. Over time the path becomes clear and you’re brain doesn’t even have to think about walking down that path.

A Second Way to Figure Out What Is Causing You To Get Distracted

There was another client in that same Optimize Your Brain cohort who also wanted to figure out when he procrastinates, yet I gave him a different exercise to do.

For him, he had 3 days to write down every time he gets distracted & what was going on around him.
Then by the end of the 3 days he had a long list in which he can look for a pattern.
Fun fact: He noticed, he got most distracted when he was transitioning between tasks.

Two different people in the same cohort got slightly different exercises based on what THEY needed because in Optimize Your Brain everything is customized exactly to what you need.
You do the exercise that is best for YOU.

Your Challenge

Your challenge this week is to figure out what causes you to get distracted.

For the next 3 days either mark down when you get distracted/stay focused OR write down what is happening at that time you are getting distracted.
Pick the exercise that works best for you.

Cheers to Peak Brain Performance!​

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

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