Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

Staying Motivated On The Task At Hand

Case Study

The first time I met Helena, I fell in love with her vision and mission. She was empowering parents to really maximize their child’s potential. How cool?

Now while it's a big mission and the work she was doing was super impactful, Helena, didn’t always have the motivation to do the work

By the end of our signature 90-day program, Helena had rewired her brain, to find the motivation no matter what situation she was in.

Thinking Skills

While you are doing any task, you (without even realizing it!) are using your 28 thinking skills.

When the thinking skills you need to use are strong, doing the task happens easily.
If the thinking skill you need to use is weak, doing the task will be a challenge.

The struggle that Helena had, came from a weak thinking skill of Perseverance together with Categorizations.

The Thinking Skills for Motivation

Perseverance is an interesting thinking skill as it’s required when other thinking skills aren’t strong. When something is easy, we tend not to need perseverance as much.

So while we always want to work on perseverance by developing our growth mindset, we also want to understand, what is going on here. Why is this task such a challenge and what thinking skill is getting in the way?

In Helena’s case, it was the thinking skill of categorizations.


Perseverance is about not giving up even when things get hard or boring.
The opposite of perseverance is blocking. You feel like you have a wall in your brain, and you simply can’t go through. While that’s how blocking feels it doesn’t have to stay that way, especially if you develop your growth mindset.

Growth Mindset

Growth mindset is about always looking for ways to grow, become better and figure out a solution.
Because there always is a solution!
Instead of approaching the challenging situation as something hard and impossible to do, you think of it, as a situation that you’re gonna find a way to tackle. You’ll ask for advice, you’ll try a new strategy, you don’t give up even when it’s hard.
With a growth mindset, you have an easier time with perseverance as you don’t let your brain build that blocking wall.
Instead, you're on a mission to figure it out.
And if the wall does show up? You look for ways to break the blocking wall down and be able to figure it out.


Categorization is the thinking skill about taking big groups and splitting into small groups and the opposite, putting small groups into big groups.
Helena was struggling with categorizing her work in an efficient manner so it was causing her to get stuck and lose motivation.

One of the great benefits of improving her thinking skill of categorizations was that she now was able to Zoom out and see the big picture.
Often, she’d get stuck (and blocked) on little details. By training her brain see the big categories, the big picture, she was constantly reminded of why she was doing what she was doing and had the motivation to move forward.

How It All Works Together 

Do you see how that all ties in together?
Improving her thinking skill of categorizations, made the task easier and gave motivation as it reminded her why she was doing what she was doing.
This fueled her growth mindset and helped her persevere even with the tasks she really didn’t want to do.

Figuring out Your perseverance 

The reason you’re struggling with perseverance may be different.
Next week I’ll share with you a different client who struggled with perseverance but for a different reason

Meanwhile, if you’re struggling with perseverance here’s what you’ll want to do:

1. Whatever the reason is, you’ll want to develop a growth mindset. You want to train your brain to embrace challenges instead of giving up. If you’d like to improve your growth mindset, listen to episodes 352 & 360 where we go deep on this topic.

​2. You want to understand which thinking skill is getting in the way and causing your blocking wall. Start by taking the thinking skill assessment at to understand where each of your thinking skills are standing.
Then you can see which thinking skill is causing the wall in your brain and you know which thinking skill you need to improve.

Your Challenge

If you lose motivation and often find yourself having a hard time to persevere though task you want to develop your thinking skill of perseverance by improving your growth mindset.

At the same time you want to understand which thinking skill is making it challenging for you to do the work.

Your challenge this week is:

  • Work on your growth mindset. Purposely do challenging tasks. You can check episodes 352 & 360 for more ideas.
  • ​Figure out which thinking skill is getting your way by taking the thinking skills assessment at

Cheers to Peak Brain Performance!

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

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Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

Staying Motivated On The Task At Hand

Case Study

The first time I met Helena, I fell in love with her vision and mission. She was empowering parents to really maximize their child’s potential. How cool?

Now while it's a big mission and the work she was doing was super impactful, Helena, didn’t always have the motivation to do the work

By the end of our signature 90-day program, Helena had rewired her brain, to find the motivation no matter what situation she was in.

Thinking Skills

While you are doing any task, you (without even realizing it!) are using your 28 thinking skills.

When the thinking skills you need to use are strong, doing the task happens easily.
If the thinking skill you need to use is weak, doing the task will be a challenge.

The struggle that Helena had, came from a weak thinking skill of Perseverance together with Categorizations.

The Thinking Skills for Motivation

Perseverance is an interesting thinking skill as it’s required when other thinking skills aren’t strong. When something is easy, we tend not to need perseverance as much.

So while we always want to work on perseverance by developing our growth mindset, we also want to understand, what is going on here. Why is this task such a challenge and what thinking skill is getting in the way?

In Helena’s case, it was the thinking skill of categorizations.


Perseverance is about not giving up even when things get hard or boring.
The opposite of perseverance is blocking. You feel like you have a wall in your brain, and you simply can’t go through. While that’s how blocking feels it doesn’t have to stay that way, especially if you develop your growth mindset.

Growth Mindset

Growth mindset is about always looking for ways to grow, become better and figure out a solution.
Because there always is a solution!
Instead of approaching the challenging situation as something hard and impossible to do, you think of it, as a situation that you’re gonna find a way to tackle. You’ll ask for advice, you’ll try a new strategy, you don’t give up even when it’s hard.
With a growth mindset, you have an easier time with perseverance as you don’t let your brain build that blocking wall.
Instead, you're on a mission to figure it out.
And if the wall does show up? You look for ways to break the blocking wall down and be able to figure it out.


Categorization is the thinking skill about taking big groups and splitting into small groups and the opposite, putting small groups into big groups.
Helena was struggling with categorizing her work in an efficient manner so it was causing her to get stuck and lose motivation.

One of the great benefits of improving her thinking skill of categorizations was that she now was able to Zoom out and see the big picture.
Often, she’d get stuck (and blocked) on little details. By training her brain see the big categories, the big picture, she was constantly reminded of why she was doing what she was doing and had the motivation to move forward.

How It All Works Together 

Do you see how that all ties in together?
Improving her thinking skill of categorizations, made the task easier and gave motivation as it reminded her why she was doing what she was doing.
This fueled her growth mindset and helped her persevere even with the tasks she really didn’t want to do.

Figuring out Your perseverance 

The reason you’re struggling with perseverance may be different.
Next week I’ll share with you a different client who struggled with perseverance but for a different reason

Meanwhile, if you’re struggling with perseverance here’s what you’ll want to do:

1. Whatever the reason is, you’ll want to develop a growth mindset. You want to train your brain to embrace challenges instead of giving up. If you’d like to improve your growth mindset, listen to episodes 352 & 360 where we go deep on this topic.

​2. You want to understand which thinking skill is getting in the way and causing your blocking wall. Start by taking the thinking skill assessment at to understand where each of your thinking skills are standing.
Then you can see which thinking skill is causing the wall in your brain and you know which thinking skill you need to improve.

Your Challenge

If you lose motivation and often find yourself having a hard time to persevere though task you want to develop your thinking skill of perseverance by improving your growth mindset.

At the same time you want to understand which thinking skill is making it challenging for you to do the work.

Your challenge this week is:

  • Work on your growth mindset. Purposely do challenging tasks. You can check episodes 352 & 360 for more ideas.
  • ​Figure out which thinking skill is getting your way by taking the thinking skills assessment at

Cheers to Peak Brain Performance!

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

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