Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

Stop Letting 'Urgent' Steal Your Productivity

Case Study

Michaela was the owner of a boutique flower shop, specializing in intimate events.
While she absolutely loved her work, “urgent tasks” kept on popping up, making Michaela feel they had to get done now.
This meant that all the tasks she planned for the day, weren’t really getting done, causing to lots of last-minute pressures and many late nights.

Thinking Skills

While you are doing any task, you (without even realizing it!) are using your 28 thinking skills.

When the thinking skills you need to use are strong, doing the task happens easily.
If the thinking skill you need to use is weak, doing the task will be a challenge.

The struggle that Michaela had, came from a weak thinking skill of perseverance.

Wanting to Give Up

Often when we want to give up or not do a task, it’s because it’s hard for our brain.
So really, the lack of perseverance is a sign of another weak thinking skill.

Whenever we find ourselves not preserving we want to use it as an opportunity to work on the other weak thinking skills AND improve perseverance in the moment. 

Improving Perseverance

Here are 4 ways we helped Michaela build her perseverance:

1. No Negotiation.
Often, we make a plan or tell ourselves we’re going to do something and then when the time comes, we start negotiating or replanning or refiguring out what we’re going to do.
Best is to simply not think. Yup, you read that right.
Don’t think about whether you should or you shouldn’t do it. You already did all that work before. Now just go and do it.

2. Recognize that whenever we find something “more important to do” it’s more often than not, because the planned task is more challenging for our brain. We’re looking for an escape of this challenge.
Simply being aware of it may help you stay on track.

3. When something seeming urgent does come up, instead of doing it, plan out when you ARE going to do it.
So not now, but when. 
Please don’t use this when you need to rush to the hospital. Thanks:)

4. If you’re day is super planned, make sure to put in some white space.
This can be either time just to chill or time for you catch up in case things don’t go as planned.

Your Challenge

While perseverance is a thinking skill in it of itself, not wanting to persevere is often a sign of another weak thinking skill.
Your challenge this week is to pick one way to start improving perseverance:

  • ​No negotiation.
  • Understand what’s the challenge for your brain and why you don’t want to do it.
  • Plan out that urgent task.
  • Add white space to your calendar.

Cheers to Peak Brain Performance!

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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By the end of 2025

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Cognitive Functions Assessment for Entrepreneurs (1).gif

Stop Letting 'Urgent' Steal Your Productivity

Case Study

Michaela was the owner of a boutique flower shop, specializing in intimate events.
While she absolutely loved her work, “urgent tasks” kept on popping up, making Michaela feel they had to get done now.
This meant that all the tasks she planned for the day, weren’t really getting done, causing to lots of last-minute pressures and many late nights.

Thinking Skills

While you are doing any task, you (without even realizing it!) are using your 28 thinking skills.

When the thinking skills you need to use are strong, doing the task happens easily.
If the thinking skill you need to use is weak, doing the task will be a challenge.

The struggle that Michaela had, came from a weak thinking skill of perseverance.

Wanting to Give Up

Often when we want to give up or not do a task, it’s because it’s hard for our brain.
So really, the lack of perseverance is a sign of another weak thinking skill.

Whenever we find ourselves not preserving we want to use it as an opportunity to work on the other weak thinking skills AND improve perseverance in the moment. 

Improving Perseverance

Here are 4 ways we helped Michaela build her perseverance:

1. No Negotiation.
Often, we make a plan or tell ourselves we’re going to do something and then when the time comes, we start negotiating or replanning or refiguring out what we’re going to do.
Best is to simply not think. Yup, you read that right.
Don’t think about whether you should or you shouldn’t do it. You already did all that work before. Now just go and do it.

2. Recognize that whenever we find something “more important to do” it’s more often than not, because the planned task is more challenging for our brain. We’re looking for an escape of this challenge.
Simply being aware of it may help you stay on track.

3. When something seeming urgent does come up, instead of doing it, plan out when you ARE going to do it.
So not now, but when. 
Please don’t use this when you need to rush to the hospital. Thanks:)

4. If you’re day is super planned, make sure to put in some white space.
This can be either time just to chill or time for you catch up in case things don’t go as planned.

Your Challenge

While perseverance is a thinking skill in it of itself, not wanting to persevere is often a sign of another weak thinking skill.
Your challenge this week is to pick one way to start improving perseverance:

  • ​No negotiation.
  • Understand what’s the challenge for your brain and why you don’t want to do it.
  • Plan out that urgent task.
  • Add white space to your calendar.

Cheers to Peak Brain Performance!

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

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