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How to Get Work Done When You're Not Motivated


You know those days when you’ve got so much to do but you’ve got zero motivation?

We all have those days, and when too many of them pile on top of each other, it doesn’t end up having a good result.

Let's change that!

Real Life Challenge

Imagine you have a TON to do but don’t want to get out of bed.
There are employees waiting for a reply, deadlines to meet and clients who are waiting for you.
What do you do?

2 Reasons You're Procrastinating

In general, procrastination is attributed to 2 things:
1. Cognitive Deficiency - weak thinking skills
2. Low intrinsic motivation - lack of motivation coming from within.

Usually on this podcast we speak about strengthening your cognitive functions.

So today we’ll discuss various ways you can increase your intrinsic motivation.

Understanding Why

Human beings don’t like to do things, just because.
In order to be motivated, you’ve got to understand why you are doing what you are doing.

If you’ve got to do something you don’t want to do, you’ll want to do the 7 Levels Deep Exercise.

Grab a pen and paper and ask yourself “Why are I doing [THIS - Thing you have to do]?
Then whatever your answer is, rewrite it in a question with “Why” before.

For example:
Q1: Why do I need to speak to Charli?
A1: To expand my network.

Q2: Why do I need to expand my network?
A2: So, more people get to know about my business.

You continue this process 7 times. By the end you’ll get to your deep reason why.
This should be a good motivating reason to do what you’ve got to do. If not, don't do the task, till you come up with a good reason why you should it. 

Got that?
Now I'm gonna challenge you.

Do You Have Too?

Many times, we continue doing things because we have always done them.
You may no longer need to do it.
Or maybe it doesn't give you the results it used too.
Or maybe someone else can do it.
Or maybe there's a better way?

Make it Fun 

If you do have to do it, how can you make it fun?
Can you do it with a friend?
Or maybe you speak on the phone with your friend while you both clean your house?
How about blasting music?
What can you do to make it fun?

Work With Your Brain 

Some people like options, some people don’t.
Whether you’re planning your day or deciding what project to work on, some people need options to be motivated while others get overwhelmed.
What is it for you?
And how will you work with your brain, so you stay motivated?

My Favorite Way to Get Motivated

My favorite way to get motivated is to reduce time.
The faster you get started on doing a task, the easier it will be for you to get it done.

I personally like to get my most important work done right away in the morning.
To reduce time as much as possible, I prepare everything I’ll need to do that task near my bed, so I can just roll out of bed and get started.

Many times, especially when I go to sleep late, I just want to stay in bed, but because it’s right there I say, “I’ll just get started.”
Guess what happens?

More Ways to Reduce Time

Another way to reduce time is to literally allow yourself to have less time to get the task done.

As Parkinson’s law states: “Work expands as so to fill the time available for its completion”
However long you leave for a task is how long it will take you to do.
So, if you’re dreading a task, reduce the time allotted - you’ll get it done faster!

Develop a Growth Mindset

All this is only possible if we develop a growth mindset.
Many times, we don’t have the motivation to do something because it is hard, a growth mindset enjoys a good challenge.

Just don’t forget to compliment yourself on the progress!

Your Challenge

Your challenge is to pick one of the tips we spoke about today, and practice it this week, so your intrinsic motivation moves up!

You've got this!

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

Can you help us reach our goal? 
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How to Get Work Done When You're Not Motivated


You know those days when you’ve got so much to do but you’ve got zero motivation?

We all have those days, and when too many of them pile on top of each other, it doesn’t end up having a good result.

Let's change that!

Real Life Challenge

Imagine you have a TON to do but don’t want to get out of bed.
There are employees waiting for a reply, deadlines to meet and clients who are waiting for you.
What do you do?

2 Reasons You're Procrastinating

In general, procrastination is attributed to 2 things:
1. Cognitive Deficiency - weak thinking skills
2. Low intrinsic motivation - lack of motivation coming from within.

Usually on this podcast we speak about strengthening your cognitive functions.

So today we’ll discuss various ways you can increase your intrinsic motivation.

Understanding Why

Human beings don’t like to do things, just because.
In order to be motivated, you’ve got to understand why you are doing what you are doing.

If you’ve got to do something you don’t want to do, you’ll want to do the 7 Levels Deep Exercise.

Grab a pen and paper and ask yourself “Why are I doing [THIS - Thing you have to do]?
Then whatever your answer is, rewrite it in a question with “Why” before.

For example:
Q1: Why do I need to speak to Charli?
A1: To expand my network.

Q2: Why do I need to expand my network?
A2: So, more people get to know about my business.

You continue this process 7 times. By the end you’ll get to your deep reason why.
This should be a good motivating reason to do what you’ve got to do. If not, don't do the task, till you come up with a good reason why you should it. 

Got that?
Now I'm gonna challenge you.

Do You Have Too?

Many times, we continue doing things because we have always done them.
You may no longer need to do it.
Or maybe it doesn't give you the results it used too.
Or maybe someone else can do it.
Or maybe there's a better way?

Make it Fun 

If you do have to do it, how can you make it fun?
Can you do it with a friend?
Or maybe you speak on the phone with your friend while you both clean your house?
How about blasting music?
What can you do to make it fun?

Work With Your Brain 

Some people like options, some people don’t.
Whether you’re planning your day or deciding what project to work on, some people need options to be motivated while others get overwhelmed.
What is it for you?
And how will you work with your brain, so you stay motivated?

My Favorite Way to Get Motivated

My favorite way to get motivated is to reduce time.
The faster you get started on doing a task, the easier it will be for you to get it done.

I personally like to get my most important work done right away in the morning.
To reduce time as much as possible, I prepare everything I’ll need to do that task near my bed, so I can just roll out of bed and get started.

Many times, especially when I go to sleep late, I just want to stay in bed, but because it’s right there I say, “I’ll just get started.”
Guess what happens?

More Ways to Reduce Time

Another way to reduce time is to literally allow yourself to have less time to get the task done.

As Parkinson’s law states: “Work expands as so to fill the time available for its completion”
However long you leave for a task is how long it will take you to do.
So, if you’re dreading a task, reduce the time allotted - you’ll get it done faster!

Develop a Growth Mindset

All this is only possible if we develop a growth mindset.
Many times, we don’t have the motivation to do something because it is hard, a growth mindset enjoys a good challenge.

Just don’t forget to compliment yourself on the progress!

Your Challenge

Your challenge is to pick one of the tips we spoke about today, and practice it this week, so your intrinsic motivation moves up!

You've got this!

ST Rappaport Brain Coach for entrepreneurs png

Hi, I'm ST,

Just like you, I want to be more efficient and effective.

Most entrepreneurs want to grow their business but already got a lot of stress.
At LifePix University we help you rewire your brain to become more efficient and effective while experiencing more inner peace.
Learn more here.


Your Essential Guide

to Cognitive Functions

This guide will give you all you need to start improving your cognitive functions. Learn what all 28 thinking skills are, how they apply to you and what you can do today to begin improving them.


Cognitive Functions Assessment

Thinking is not one big thing. Thinking is made up of 28 parts, called cognitive functions.
Take the FREE assessment to see where each of your cognitive functions are currently at. 

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We're on for 1M downloads

By the end of 2025

Can you help us reach our goal? 
Share this podcast with someone you love!

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